Friday, November 5, 2010

Things you find when you Google yourself!

I create things, then I forget all about them. Once I've published something--or posted a picture on flickr---I tend to forget about whatever it is. I've never really been all that curious about how people interact with what I create, once a window of about three days has passed.

I figure, if I spelled anyone's name wrong, or forgot anything important, it would turn up during that three days. (Three days is, not un-coincidentally,  about the turnaround for a huffy letter-to-the-editor to arrive, citing exactly what someone is unhappy about. Trust me on this.)

Turns out that people continue to do things with my content, long after I've forgotten all about releasing it into the wild. 

In order to write the previous post about Hello Kitty, I googled myself. Amazing what you find. I might have found more, but I got bored searching.

Here's a picture I put on flickr that someone used for an article. I'm not the best photographer in the world, so I'm always a little flattered that someone wants to use one of my pictures!

Paul and I got married.  It must be true, it was in the UT alumni magazine. I must have sent it in, as this happened before Facebook, and not everyone knew!

Someone read an Austin-American Statesman column about zombies. And they liked it!

A possibly Latvian  link to my Latvia/ACL column that was on Austinist (scroll down to the bottom.)

An article for a conservative news service, that got more conservative once I turned it in. (It has a 2008 date now, but I think I wrote it in 2001.)

Someone using my pic of one of the dudes from Passion Pit signing their setlist at Emo's as a background. From 2009?

An article about Latvia that uses my picture of fish. I think the article is in Latvian, but I don't speak the language, so it's hard to know for sure.

Let me know what else you find. Who knows what else is out there!

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annainaustin said...
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