Saturday, March 26, 2011

Still recovering from SXSW...but my pictures are busy on the Internet!

Like a lot of people, I'm still recovering from SXSW, specifically the SXSW-crud.
Putzing around on the internet in my feverish state, I found some of my pictures were on a site called the Flickr Hive Mind.
Who knew?

It also turns out that one of my pictures (of a famous pig statue) is used to illustrate this gallery walk in Riga.

And illustrating an article on "Where to Eat Tourist Free" during SXSW.

I also found a link to a story I wrote in 1999 about the Estonian artist Juri Arrak, but it's behind a Baltic Times paywall. This reminds me that when I was writing the story, I took a gazillion pictures of Arrak posing with his dogs and his paintings in his studio. Maybe I should scan those pictures and put them on Flickr?

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